
Intrauterine Blood Transfusion - accents

- In 2013 in Dr. Shterev Hospital the first in Bulgaria specialized Center for fetal medicine was officially opened.

- In The Center for Fetal Medicine, the experts perform fetal surgeries, which save the babies before they are even born. The physicians work in collaboration with the famous academy of Prof. Kypros Nicolaides in the British King’s College Hospital.

- The experts, who are certified from leading European institutes, perform highly specialized ultrasound examinations of the fetus. It allows the detection of threatening the baby’s life abnormalities, and a lot of them today are treatable if found on time.

Intrauterine Blood Transfusion

Intrauterine Blood Transfusion gives the chance for pregnancies with Rh disease.

When is the Intrauterine Blood Transfusion advisable?

The Intrauterine Blood Transfusion is a manipulation, which has to be done in one of the possible complications of the pregnancy, called Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN) when there is a conflict between the blood type of the baby and the blood type of the mother. The antibodies, produced by the mother, can attack and destroy the red blood cells of the baby, and this leads to fetal anemia. When the blood results reach the limit of abnormality, the intrauterine blood transfusion is requirable. The fetal anemia could also be a result of different infections or in cases of multiple pregnancies.
Thanks to the intrauterine blood transfusion, such cases are treatable in the Center for fetal medicine in Dr. Shterev Hospital. In the beginning of March 2015 after the implementation of this innovative manipulation, a splendid baby brought joy to its happy parents. The intervention was done by Dr. Petya Chaveeva, the first Bulgarian specialist, who has gone through years of systematic education in fetal medicine, mini-invasive fetal surgery and treatment of fetal diaphragm hernia.

Fetal surgeries - contact us

For your and your baby’s safety or if you suspect fetal abnormalities, contact us via a phone call to +359 2 920 0901.

We will offer you an appointment with one of the best fetal medicine experts.

Do not forget to ask for our exclusive packages for pregnancy monitoring. They are a safer and profitable way of pregnancy screening. You will receive a discount off the cost of the delivery, and there is a chance to give birth under the care of the specialist, who will examine and follow your condition and the condition of your baby during the pregnancy.

Video: Fetal Laser Surgery

During a special press conference held on July 8th, 2014 in Dr. Shterev Hospital was announced the first successful perform of fetal surgery in Bulgaria. Watch our exclusive video for this innovative treatment.

Video: Party of the children born after fetal surgeries

For Christmas, we invited the children born after fetal surgeries in Dr. Shterev Hospital together with Dr. Petya Chaveeva and her team. 2018 was a happy year for our hospital because the children born after lifesaving fetal surgery are already 40. Many of them met her beloved Dr. Chaveeva and her colleagues from the Fetal Medicine Sector.

Video: To save an unborn life - the fetal surgeries in Dr. Shterev Hospital

Every good doctor takes care of the life of its patients. But only a few of them do it even for those, who are still unborn. We introduce you to the video of the unique fetal surgeries, performed by Dr. Petya Chaveeva and the team of fetal medicine specialists in Dr. Shterev Hospital

Video: Christmas party for children born after fetal surgery

On December 16th, 2016 everyone in Dr. Shterev Hospital heard the laughing of dozens of children born after fetal surgery. We gathered the happy parents, their little treasures, and the doctors, who have saved those children’s lives. Watch the emotional video from the event, which transformed our hospital to a home of joy and family happiness.

Fetal surgeries - resume

The physician who performs fetal morphology or fetal operation must have the certification for them. It is the only way to receive the best medical care for you and your baby. In Dr. Shterev Hospital work three of the four certified by Prof. Kypros Nicolaides and King’s College Hospital specialists in Bulgaria. Our hospital is a pioneer in implementing new diagnostic methods and techniques for mini-invasive fetal treatment.

Fetal Surgery